Thursday 27 January 2011


I went to see Black Swan yesterday.

It only just came out over here in England. Which is so unfair, because I've been wanting to see it for ages!

It's a very powerful film. I would highly recommend going to see it.

It really draws you into the story, makes you feel like you're one of the ballet dancers, watching it all unfold.

Definately deserves an Oscar. Or five.

In keeping with the theme of ballet, the February 2011 issue of Vogue Russia has a wonderful spread shot by Jason Schmidt entitled 'Drama & Ballet'

Such amazing photos. The composition is stunning.

You can see the full spread here.

Monday 24 January 2011

Cats, Part 3.

I found another one for you...

Michael Donovan

I love this one. It looks spontaneous, rather than planned.

Like the cat just walked into shot. Which is exactly the kind of thing cats do.

Right, I'll ease off the cats now before I over do it.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Cats, Part 2.

After my last post, I thought I'd introduce you to my cats (technically my boyfriends, but I love them as my own).

I'm always taking photos of them, because they're always being so darn cute.

Barney, only affectionate when he wants something from you.

Wilfi, old and missing most her teeth.

They don't get along, so this is a rare occurrence.

Wilfi likes to sit at the window and guard the house.

Don't worry, you'll see more of them. They're too cute to not blog about.

Monday 17 January 2011


Have I mentioned that I love cats?

(Artist unknown)

I had one when I was little, which pretty decided the dog vs cat battle for me.

(Artist unknown)

I do love dogs as well. But cats will always have a special place in my heart.

I've only found a few fashion photographs with cats in them, and I though I'd share them with you.

In my experience, cats are quite hard to photograph because they're so independent.

So I commend these photographers for capturing cats at their best.

(Artist unknown)

David Vasiljevic

David Vasiljevic

Sarah Louise Johnson

So what are you? Cat or dog?

Monday 10 January 2011


As you probably guessed from my Kaleidoscope post, I love double exposures.

Always have. Always will.

Whether they're done in camera or in post production. Soft or hard focus. Bright and bold or pale and desaturated. I simply love them.

They insantly add another dimension and emotion to an image.

There are so many ways you can play with double exposures. You can use overlay portraits, landscapes, textures or colours. You can apply them to a whole image, just over a face or a subtle hint in one area.

Show me a double exposure and it's guaranteed to inspire me.

Here's some I'm loving at the moment:

Amel Kerkeni

Dimitri Van Hoewijk

Derek Wood

Boline Pedersen

Artist unknown

Vanina Sorrenti

Valeri Chiang

Txema Yeste

Mel Bles

Mario Pena

David Benjamin Sherry

Guy Aroch

Fernando Bosch

What do you think of double exposures?

I'd love to see some of yours. :D


I know I haven't been around for a while. Everyone knows how busy Christmas time can be.

But I'm back now! :)

I don't really have any New Years resolutions. However I am trying to get more organised.

One thing I've done today is download an RSS Reader, which has proved very helpful.

There are many out there. I went with Feed Demon because I like it's interface.

This is what my Feed Demon looks like at the moment. A definate insight into my soul....

I check so many different blogs, mostly for inspiration so this has proved very helpful. I would definately recommend it.

But with certain sites, it's better to check them within a web browser so you get all the suggested posts.

What blogs do you check?